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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Granger


Hysterosalpingogram ( HSG )


🔴 A hysterosalpingogram is a test that is done to check your Womb and your tubes.

🔴 When you go for this test, a dye will be put in your womb through your cervix and photos will be taken via x-ray to see if your womb cavity is ok and your tubes are open or blocked.

🔴 If your tubes are blocked the dye will not go through. When this happens, tubes will not be visible on the x-ray as they don't contain dye.

🔴 An HSG can also show that you have growths in your womb eg fibroids or polyps , cancer, etc.

🔴 Many people go for this procedure as part of the infertility diagnosis process to see if anything could be standing in their way of getting pregnant.

🔴 HSG usually takes less 20 minutes ( usually about 5-10 minutes) and most of the time doesn't require you to be put to sleep during the process.

🔴 Because of the painful cramps you can have during the process, its important that you're given painkillers to help with this, so you're not in extreme pain.

🔴 If you are planning on going for an HSG, its best to do so 2 to 5 days after your menses because of the following:

💥 There is a lower risk of you getting an


💥 Procedure is not interfered by blood or clots in the womb as you would have ended your cycle

💥 Pregnancy possible is very low during this period.

🔴 An HSG can also be done to check if your tubes are functional, in cases where you go for tube tying and want to reverse the process.

🔴 After an HSG, you can have some vaginal spotting, cramps, dizziness, and stomach discomfort up to a few days post procedure.

🔴 If you however happen to notice heavy bleeding, have severe abdominal pain, smelly discharge or feel there is anything wrong, see your obgyn immediately.


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