A few things you should know when carrying a breech Baby ( baby with the head up instead of Down)
🔴 Lots of babies are in the breech position at the beginning of pregnancy.
🔴 Most of them tend to turn head down by 36 weeks. Some of them however remain head up till the end of the pregnancy.
🔴 If you are carrying a breech baby, there are a few things you need to know:
💥 Don't delivery vaginally if your baby is below 2.5kg or above 3.5kg ( first time mum ) / 3.8kg ( experienced mum) . The risk of complication is high and this is not advised.
💥 The skills of the one going to perform the delivery is important. If you aren't sure how skilled he or she is , its safer to opt for a cesarean section. Not everyone is trained to deliver breech babies.
💥 If your baby's head circumference is more than 36cm or the width more than 9 to 10cm, risk of complications is higher. Its safer to opt for a cesarean section
💥 If your baby is looking up on ultrasound, vaginal delivery is not advised.
💥 If your baby is in a good breech position and has good weight, and you have a skilled obgyn, its safe to have a vaginal delivery. This delivery should however take place in a facility equipped to carry out an emergency caesarian section if anything goes wrong.
💥 If your baby has its feet down ( on top of the area where your cervix is found), a cesarean section is indicated.
🔴 Don't be extremely worried if you are carrying a breech baby. Once you have a good obgyn and team to take care of you , pregnancy almost always ends on a good note.