Be careful the choices you make when it comes to your health.
A 45 year old mother of 2 walked into the hospital complaining vag in al bléěding which she has had for a month now . Upon questioning, she said she last visited her gynae 25 years ago after she had her last baby and that was during her post partum check up. Since then she's been nowhere because she didn't have any problems she couldn't deal with . Her cervix looked wierd when her vag in a was looked into and during examination with fingers, it was very clear that this wasn't going to be good news . This woman was asked to do an MRI and samples were taken from the cervix to the lab to know exactly what type of cancer she had . The result - end stage cervical cancer that cannot be operated. She was told what exactly to expect, how much time she has left to live and handed over to the cancer doctors to manage her condition for the time she had left. A healthy mother of 2 with no health problems whatsoever is going to díed because she chose not to go for yearly check up, because she didn't find it necessary.
Dear women, please don't take your yearly check up for granted. Don't take vag in al bléěding of unknown source for granted or try to correct certain problems with products you found on the market that you heard were good. Whoever sells you these products instead of asking you to seek help the right way won't have a problem writing RIP when you're gone. Most of the time, a timely intervention is enough to save your life.
Seek help the right way. Dont skip yearly visit because you feel like it . Cervical cancer is real , and you could have it without even knowing you do until it's too late . Its děâdly when found late. See an obgyn soon if you haven't seen one in a while. Your health matters. You deserve to live.