Teenage pregnancy
🛑 Yearly, so many girls below the age of 20 get pregnant.
🛑 Some of these girls have no idea what sex is , have not been educated enough about sex, do not have access to education, do not have enough parental supervision , have been forced to get married at a very young age in some societies.
🛑 Some of these girls also get pregnant while experimenting with someone they might have developed feelings for, not having in mind that pregnancy can happen, as a result of rape , sexual abuse or the inability to say no to whoever it is that wants to have sex with them.
🛑 Pregnancy can happen even before a teenager menstruates for the first time. Once ovulation begins, pregnancy is possible.
🛑 Most of these teenagers have no idea they are pregnant until they begin to show symptoms or their bellies begin to grow.
🛑 Once pregnancy is detected, some might try to abort pregnancy by taking in all sorts of pills and concoctions eg coca cola or malt with sugar or going to quack doctors to have illegal, unsafe abortions done for them. These usually leads to massive bleeding, infections, perforation of womb and organs in the abdomen and death.
🛑 Once a teenager gets pregnant, people begin to shy away from her, her parents usually treat her differently, shes usually unable to go to school anymore and gives up her chances of being financially stable and having a good life in future. She also has to become an adult even though she isn't ready physically or mentally.
🛑 Teen moms are at a higher risk of having complicated pregnancies as compared to non teen moms. This risk is also high in mother above the age of 35.
🛑 Teen mums have a higher risk of preeclampsia, diabetes in pregnancy, anemia in pregnancy, higher rates of cesarean sections, having premature babies, infections after birth and death as a result of complications resulting from pregnancy.
🛑 Most children born to teen mums have low birth weight and there is a high risk they will have problems in future.
🛑 Lots of teen moms are unable to get over the psychological, emotional and mental trauma that comes with the entire pregnancy package.
🛑 Most teen mums are unable to fulfill their dreams as they usually are forced or have to choose pregnancy over education.
🛑 They are unable to care for their babies as they are children themselves and are barely able to care for themselves.
🛑 Teach your children about sex as early as necessary, take them to see an obgyn once their period begins, keep them occupied and give them as much care and attention as they need. If you're unable to teach them about sex, find a nurse or an organisation that is able to do that effectively.
🛑 Should you find out your teenager is pregnant, Kindly take her to see an Ob Gyn
🛑 Seeing an obgyn also applies if she is having sex at an early age. There is a higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease that comes with early exposure to sex.
🛑 Its important to converse with her and get a sense of what the pregnancy means to her as her entire life depends on what decision is taken at that point.
🛑 When in doubt as to what to do, always seek the unbiased opinion of an obgyn.
🛑 Teen moms should not have to die anymore . Save your teenagers. Protect them from Sexual abuse, childhood marriage, peer pressure. They deserve to live. They deserve a good future and a chance to fulfill their dreams. Do all you can to make this happen. Don't take their lives away from them before they have even begun to live.
Visit us at www.novacarefamilyobgyngrenada.com or call 1473 4187517.