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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Granger

The Growing Belly

Before this year ends , do something good for yourself.


True story : The lady with the growing belly


💥 A young lady in her late 20's walked into the hospital with her belly pretty big and not feeling too well . She was asked how many many weeks pregnant she was because she did look about 30 weeks pregnant.

💥 She however claimed not to be pregnant but said her stomach had been growing big for sometime now and since it didn't bother her, she didn't think she had to go to the hospital. Fair enough.

💥 She was admitted and taken care . An ultrasound scan was performed but what was in her belly looked very strange so a CT scan was ordered. When the report came it said it could be an ovarian cyst or a cancer and she needed surgery.

💥 The young lady agreed to have surgery and when she was opened up, a very big cancer of one of her ovaries was found. This cancer had spread to many parts of her abdomen such that even though the big growth was removed, no more could be done for her.

💥 The growth was sent for testing and it came back as a very bad type of cancer that could not be treated. She had very few months to live.

💥 She wanted to be a nurse and thought she could perhaps live long enough to fulfil that dream.

💥 4 months after she was discharged, her body couldn't hold on anymore and she d*ed, just before her 27th birthday.

❗ There are many cancers that can be treated if they are detected early. Don't joke with your yearly Gynecological evaluations.

❗ If you are not pregnant, please don't ignore any strange increase in size of your stomach as it could be anything from a fibroid to a cyst to a cancer. See a doctor and get a scan done at least. That could save your life.

❗ Love yourself enough to seek help if you notice that there could be something wrong with you.

❗If you don't seek help because you'd rather do better things with your money than go to the hospital, you should remember that your money can't save you when things get really bad and nothing more can be done for you.

💥 Below is a photo of the cancer that was removed


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