🛑 Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the top causes of death in women after birth.
🛑 Its defined as losing more than 500ml of blood after a vaginal delivery or 1000ml of blood in the case of a cesarean section.
🛑 Sometimes it's a bit easy to manage and stop bleeding, other times , bleeding can be massive, fast and very difficult to stop.
🛑 Postpartum hemorrhage is more common after a cesarean section as compared to vaginal delivery.
🛑 Bleeding usually occurs after the birth of the placenta.
🛑 Postpartum bleeding can occur within the first 24 hours after birth ( more common) or up to 12 weeks postpartum.
🛑 After the birth of the baby and placenta, the womb is supposed to contract, compressing the blood vessels in the area where the placenta was attached to the wall of the womb and preventing bleeding. When this doesn't happen, bleeding can continue from that area .
🛑 If a portion of your placenta continues to remain attached to the wall of your womb after its been delivered, you can bleed as well.
🛑 Bleeding very often occurs during the first 2 hours after your baby is born. This is why its important not to eat during labour and within 2 hours post partum. If you need to be rushed for surgery, its safer for you not to have eaten, to avoid complications.
🛑 During the first 2 hours post partum, your Midwife will monitor you closely, checking your temperature, blood pressure, how much you're bleeding and if your womb is contracted as it should be
What puts you at risk of postpartum hemorrhage
🛑 Some women have a higher risk for postpartum hemorrhage than others.
🛑 The following can increase your risk of bleeding after birth:
💥 Placental abruption : When your placenta separates from the wall of your womb before its supposed to. This is usually an emergency.
💥 Placenta previa : Your placenta covers or is near the opening of your cervix. Vaginal delivery is not advisable as you can very much bleed to death once your cervix dilates and rips the placenta apart. Bleeding can be massive.
💥 If your womb is over stretched : If theres too much water around your baby, if you're carrying a baby that is more than 4kg or if you're carrying more than one baby, the womb sometimes finds it difficult to contract after birth and you can bleed a lot.
💥 If you have high blood pressure as a result of your pregnancy or have preeclampsia, your risk of bleeding postpartum is higher. Your placenta can separate from the wall of your womb prematurely.
💥 If you have had more than 3 children. The more children you have , the higher your risk.
💥 If labour takes longer than usual.
💥 If you are obese
💥 If you have severe anemia
💥 If labour is induced
💥 If your baby is delivered with the help of forceps or vacuum extraction or is extracted in the case of a breech delivery.
💥 If you undergo General anesthesia
💥 If you have ever had postpartum hemorrhage
💥 If your womb bursts during labour ( usually after a previous cesarean section)
💥 If your womb turns inside out especially when too much force is applied during the delivery of your placenta ( high death rate)
💥 If you have a tear in the cervix or vaginal tissues or if any of the blood vessel of the womb get torn.
💥 If you bleed into a hidden tissue area or space in the pelvis which develops into a hematoma, usually in the vulva or vaginal area
💥 If you have a problem with your blood clotting eg in disseminated intravascular coagulation, amniotic fluid embolism.
💥 If your placenta grows into the wall of your womb (Placenta accreta, increta, percreta). Bleeding is massive if there is an attempt to detach the placenta from the womb wall post after birth.
💥 If you develop sepsis or chorioamnionitis ( an infection of the placenta and the water around your baby)
💥 If your water breaks prematurely ( before 37 weeks) . There is a higher chance your placenta will separate from the wall of your womb when your water breaks.
💥 If you carry a dead baby in your womb for too long ( usually more than 4 weeks)
🛑 Postpartum bleeding is handled or treated based on its cause.
🛑 If any of the above points apply to you :
❗Do not give birth in any facility that isn't a hospital
❗Do not deliver in any facility that doesn't have an operating room
❗Do not deliver in any facility that is not capable of handling bleeding after birth or performing an emergency hysterectomy ( removal of the womb) should it be necessary because bleeding is unstoppable .
❗ If you happen to notice that you're bleeding more than necessary ( more than 2 full sanitary towels an hour) within the first 12 weeks postpartum, seek help immediately. This might save your life
❗Do not compromise when it comes to choosing your birthing facility or who takes you through your pregnancy. You have 40 weeks to choose where you want to have your baby. Choose the best for yourself if possible
🛑 Postpartum bleeding can be very massive and VERY difficult to stop. Many women have lots their lives because of this.
❗ Don't be a victim because you made the wrong choices.
