Can you wash the inside of the va gi na ( douche) when you have a va gi nal infection in order to get rid of whatever is causing that infection and make the va gi na clean ?
🔴 The va gi na works just like the stomach. When you eat something, the stomach muscles move in a specific way to move the food you have eaten from the stomach to the intestines.
🔴 ️In that same way, the muscles of the vagina move to get whatever it is in your vagina that needs to come out. This you see as a discharge.
🔴️ You do not need to wash the inside of your vagina or detox it to make it clean or to get rid of infections. You'd be doing a job nobody has asked you to do. Your va gi na definitely didn't ask you for help.
🔴 ️Vag inal infections cannot be washed away. They need to be treated by your obgyn, not a pharmacist. Dont just walk in and ask for a drug. A lot goes into prescribing a specific drug for you. You might end up treating the wrong problem.
🔴 ️Samples from the vag ina are usually taken to the lab and based on what the report says plus your health history, we prescribe a suitable drug for you.
🔴️ Do not douche in an attempt to make your vagina clean or free of infection. When you douche , you should keep in mind the following:
💥You change the normal vaginal bacteria that protects you from infections . This makes it easier for you to get more vaginal infections that seem to never go away.
💥You have a high risk of getting a PID ( pelvic inflammatory disease) when you douche. The more PID episodes you have , the more likely you are to have problems having children as fallopian tubes are easily blocked.
💥You are at a higher risk of having ectopic pregnancies due to problems with your tubes resulting from douching.
❗ Do not douche or put non prescribed substances into your vagina in order to get rid of an infection, especially if you're pregnant.
The risks that come with this are not worth it.
Vaginal infections during pregnancy can increase your risk of preterm birth. They need to be treated.
❗If you want to freshen up, its enough to wash the outer part you see with clean water. No need to insert your fingers in. Its hidden for a reason.
❗ If you decide to go for intimate washes , you should know that perfumed ones can cause irritations, washes can only be used externally and some can be harsh enough to change your pH down there.