🔴 Fallopian tubes are really important when it comes to one's ability to get pregnant.
🔴 Your Fallopian tubes should be able to catch the egg or eggs you produce when you ovulate and carry it in the direction of the womb to meet the sperms produced during intercourse for fertilization and subsequently pregnancy to be able to take place .
🔴 If your fallopian tubes cannot perform this duty because there is something wrong with it, pregnancy becomes difficult to achieve.
🔴 When you're infertile because of your fallopian tubes, we say you have a tubal factor
🔴 The fallopian tubes can be filled with water or pus .
🔴 Sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis or gonorrhea are able to damage the tubes completely, resulting in infertility. Sometimes tuberculosis of the genital tract can cause this problem too.
🔴 Your tubes can also be stuck to other organs in your pelvis such that they are unable to move to catch the egg produced during ovulation.
🔴This can happen if you have had any surgeries in the past in the pelvic region ( eg cesarean sections, myomectomy, ectopic pregnancy surgery with drainage of blood ) , or infections in your abdominal cavity ( eg as a result of an IUD related infection, rupturedappendix) .
🔴 Endometriosis can cause lots of damage in your pelvis as well and make the organs in that region stick to each other, your fallopian tubes included.
🔴 If you have an ectopic pregnancy in your tubes that isn't dealt with surgically, your tubes can be damaged as well.
🔴 If pregnancy is proving difficult, your obgyn might ask you to do certain examinations to check if your tubes are working.
🔴 A laparoscopy can be done for you as well to see how the organs in your pelvis look like and if your tubes are working . If any problems are found, they can be dealt with during the surgery. This is a very important procedure when it comes to making a diagnosis.
🔴 You migth be asked to do a hysterosalpingography. This helps see if your tubes are working or not.
🔴 When your tubes are filled with pus or fluid and enlarged, it can be seen on ultrasound. Usually your fallopian tubes aren't seen on ultrasound.
🔴 If your tubes ( one or both) are filled with water, its recommended to have that tube or tubes removed as they are not functional. Once you have it removed ( if both) , you can only get pregnant with the help of a fertility specialist through IVF.
🔴 If you leave tubes filled with fluid behind and go for IVF, then fluid in the tubes act as toxins and reduce your chances of having a successful IVF.
🔴 If your tubes can be repaired and you are below 35 years, you might be offered that option.
🔴 There is no amount of herbs or vaginal detox that will open your tubes when they are blocked or damaged. You will be wasting time and money if you choose this route.
🔴 If you have fertility problems seek help the right way and do so as quickly as possible. It will save you lots of stress.
